I have to reply to some of this, I simply cant keep quiet, PLUS im extremely bored, as the time I ussually spend playing guild wars, is now being spent lobbying for my account back, and reading this forum.
First let me tell some people, 2 man, fow, hard mode, ever done it? I have never been in a run when I didnt make 10k. NEver, the runs take about 20 minutes. On a good run I might make 100k. *IE gold r9 perfect chaos axe drop*.. 60k an hour is an estimation of averages. OK Another thing< i farm middle of night, when least ppl are on gw. U might think that doesnt matter, but I have recorded 60% better drop rates on ecto and shards during hours when there are less players on.
About my noobedness. Apparently everyone here thinks everyone who "exploited this" did it knowingly, that its a haxor, et etc. My friend last night, got on his alt account, with no hax whatso ever obtained this town again, then left. took dated screen shots to prove it.
OK! bug fixed a net? lie to me more.
I HONESTLY didnt know it was something not allowed. I had done urgoz/the deep. The towns are very simular. I had done all 4 previous parts to this quest. I had no idea you had to re do them over and over, as the ONLY time I've ever done any of it was this way., and then only to the extent of 1 armbrace, which litterally cost me more than i made.
I miss my account greatly. I loved guild wars. I was unkowingly doing something wrong, and I am punished for it. I am paranoid of even playing my alt, becuase if I buy EOTN or play it, and aquire things, How am i to know it wont get banned in a months time>?
It had been a month since I did this mallyx run. I did perhaps a max total of 25 runs, with only 15 success, IE 1 armbrace, in a 2 month time frame. I thought it was an update to the game, a legit town. I was wrong. I am a noob retard, OK .
I am sorry that I used it, I would help a net to find a culprit if there was one, and I would give up all the gold and green malyx weapons on my account for it back.
does any of this help my case, EULA or no? I doubt it. If they end up banning 1000 ppl, who would care? They get to sell 4 million copies.
My 400Dollars or so isnt crap to them. And neither is my honesty, compasion, in game experiance etc. As I stated before, I probably give away more gold than most ppl make in a day.
I do also perhaps make more gold, (than most) but if you farm PST 2 am to 4 am, FOW and UW hard mode 2 man, you will make 60k an hr average. If u have a brain and dont continual fail.
I agree, maybe I was guilty by idiocy. Its happened to many people before, and I stand up and say, what I did was wrong. IT was wrong of me not to realize it was not legit. It was wrong of me to do it.
That said, When I first got urgoz mapped onmy guild hall/urgoz guy (ranger) I kept that barrage ranger in GH/urgoz map status for a year) I guess I should have reported that to anet as a glitch. surely there cant be some hidden super mission where 12 ppl can go! It cant be legit right? NO I took it as a matter of course in the game, just asi I took THE DEEP, URGOZ, Ebon citedel of mallyx.
I really didnt know. Question me all you want, If my alt doesnt get banned, I will even show you all how to farm UW/fow.
but dont call me a liar any more please. I dont lie. I dont cheat.
Thanks for all the posts. The careing shown by a good portion of the comunity has me hopeful of a repeal of the perm ban on my account. If A net doesnt repeal the ban, I guess World or war craft will have to be my vice, if they do, I look forward to buying the pvp unlocks, and learning a part of the game I dont know anything about.
Thanks to everyone, thanks gaile gray, for confusing us further
, and most of all, be honest, fair, and have a fun time in a fun game. Stop flaming ppl who are honest, and calling them hacker/cheater/loosers. Most of us arent. to my guildies and my friends,
Some of you guys did perhaps over farm this. I know we didnt realize it was wrong/bannable, but some of you with your rich ass alts now.. pft. ouch. sry gw community I guess
to the rest of you unfairly banned, I wish us all good luck in getting our accounts back. good honest players, Fun to play with, great people. Thanks for making my guild wars experiance unique, fun, and most of all, un noobish.
special thanks to
" Jz husband. I loved playing with you. if one or the other of us dont get our accounts back, please play wow with me, or some other game. Our friendship isnt GW deep.
TAGNE= your a stud. lets pound some WOW ppl and show them what gamings about
Chris, both of you, your great guys, looking forward to COD + wow with ya in the future
the guild leader - Sorry you werent online the last 4 months. we missed ya. hope your not in jail.
azaaarr---- pwnage ftw! if any 2 monks in guild wars were as good as you and I , I never met them. TY for all the good farming.
our chinamen, your awsome, even if the caffien does sometimes go to your head. WOW with us?
I know im leaving a bunch out, but I only want to name ones who named themselves, or who i could think of a clever way to name them without anyone elese knowing who they are.. lol
great great group of gamers, the guild wars communities loss if our bans stick.
To all those who say its not a loss, You dont know us, and wont, so dont judge people. in a few months if you get into something that you dont know is wrong, and get banned for it, you wont have us around to console you.
ALL OTHERS, enjoy the game. Its fun.
To all PRE farmers. Its the real joy of the game. dont let it die ever!!
*lvl 15 in pre warrior ftw!!!*